Welcome to the World of Home Divining

Radiesthesia, also known as dowsing or divining, is a practice using special rods to unearth the differing energies around us that can have a profound impact on our well-being.

Understanding where these hidden energies are in your environment can help improve your energy levels, sleep health, stress and so much more.

Recognising the role that energy healing plays in our health and vitality, using the ancient art of Radiesthesia.

I am a home diviner living on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland in Australia. I studied Radiesthesia (the ability to detect earth’s radiation), in Hungary where this ancient knowledge is still well known and respected. 

As featured in ‘I Age Well’ magazine. Shedding the light on Radiesthesia.

energised again

energised again

Harmful radiation is all around us and persistent radiation can cause serious illness and dis-ease in people over time. It can also affect sleep health, inflammation, blood pressure, headaches and more. Understanding the effects and knowing where the earth’s energy lines are running through your home can have a massive effect on your well-being. Underground streams, creeks and rivers can carry this energy so knowing where they may be running under your home, and making some simple changes like moving your bed can make all the difference.

As a home diviner, I detect Geophatic and man-made radiations within your home.

I show you exactly where those harmful resonances are presented and point out your ideal sleeping and working place within your bedroom and office. This way your Aura is not weakened anymore and you avoid putting extra burden onto your immune system.

Home divining, aura reading, having awareness of EMF emmissions in your home can help you and your family live a healthier life.